About Me
My experience in the field of psychology:
•Bachelor in Clinical Psychology from the Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico
•Master in Humanistic Integrative Psychotherapy and Counselling from the Instituto Galene in Madrid
•Training in Transactional Analysis, Gestalt Therapy, Psychoanalysis, Bioenergetics, Grieving Therapy, Psychodiagnostic and Emotional Techniques
•Tutor of the Master Humanistic Integrative Psychotherapy and Counselling
•Co-author of the book about Humanistic Psychotherapy El Arte de Acompañarte
I am currently registered with Ordem de Psicólogos Portugueses (OPP) #22246.
Individual Therapy
As we live our lives, we all face problems we do not know how to solve. Sometimes we feel certain unwanted situations are repeated in our life. Learn to take the reins of your life without fears or dependencies.
• Communication and relationship problems
• Psychosomatic symptoms (back hurting, stomach aches,etc)
• Sexual conflicts
• Work problems, insecurities, harassment
• Unresolved grievances
• Inadequate handling of emotions: depression/ sadness, anger, irritation, frustration, annoyance and many more emotions
• Obsessions
• Stress, Insecurity, Doubts, Anxiety, Anguish, Phobias, Fears, etc
Therapy can be provided in English, Spanish and Portuguese.
How do you start?
• First, a call (+351915576888) or an e-mail (jennifer@jennifermancera.com).
• You will be given an appointment to express your reason for consultation and an explanation how the therapy process will work.
• You will have four 60 minutes sessions.
• Finishing these ... you will have to decide if you want to continue or not.